Audio for the deaf

audio story with text

We've been aware for some time of various groups of people who find our audio useful. For instance, schools that work with the blind are naturally drawn to Storynory. But only recently, I was contacted by a deaf user via our Facebook group. She tells me :

"I found out about your site from other cochlear implant user that was before Christmas and now i look forward to hear new stories.. I still use the script to help me follow what the story says. I use it as my listening skill training every weekend using my iPod and print out of the script."

It's the sort of message that really delights us and keeps us going. We've always understood the importance of texts to young readers, language learners, and others who just like to read along. But of course they are very important to those with impaired hearing.

We have ambitions to add more music to our stories, but we realise - thanks to this listener pointing it out - that we should not mix music under the words as it makes them harder to catch.

And just as a reminder to others, our stories are printer-friendly. Just use file / print in your web browser and it should print a clutter free story. And our very recent stories have the texts embedded in the MP3 file, so you should be able to read them off the screen of an iPhone or iPod touch.