Bertie’s Picks of the Year – DVD

audio story with text

Everyone else is publishing their picks of the year, so we felt Bertie should have his say as well. Even better, tell us what you thought were the best DVD's. books, games, or toys for children this year. Of the films this year, plenty were over-rated. Wallace & Gromit did not quite live up to the hype, neither did The Magic Roundabout (although the audience too young to reemember the original loved it). Robots was very funny, and very original. So too was Madagascar. For my money, however, the best kids film of the year was the magnificant Valiant ( It has a surreal, British sense of humour, and is a great parody of 1950s war films. But you don't have to have seen The Dam Busters to appreciate it. The film is a treat on every level.<