iTunes Feedback

audio story with text

The feedback and the emails we receive keep us going on Storynory. Here are a couple of recent comments from our US iTunes page. Thank you everyone who takes the trouble to write.

We have been subscribers for two years now to Storynory. My children (now 8 and 6) could not imagine life without it... nor could I. Natasha is the prefect story-reader, for this podcast, and my entire family has fallen in love with her reading of such a diverse body of stories, both old and new. Our current fav is the Wicked Uncle.. you have to catch the entire series. Thank you Storynory, thank you Audible ! Our car rides are a completely new experience due to the excitement and fantasy that this has brought to our lives. Bravo ! I would recommend this to anyone with children of all ages (and I do)!

Thank you Natasha. My daughter absolutely loves Storynory and sometimes gets addicted to a single story (like this winter when we had to listen to Christmas in Iceland on repeat every night at bedtime for literally 2 months). She also loves the Gladys stories and has already learned “Life is a Circus” on the piano. Thank you for the amazing work.

There are lots of other lovely comments on the site, and in iTunes and on Facebook, and Twiter, as well as in emails. I couldn't pick them all out. But thank to everyone because this is what makes it worthwhile for us.