Stories for which age group?

audio story with text

Hina M left a great suggestion in our feedback section, requesting that we give more guidance in our index about which stories suit certain age groups.

First of all, I would like to give one tip - if you are looking for stories in clear and simple language, start first with our modern stories. They are all nice and straight-forward.

Some of the fairy tale classics, such as Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The Gingerbread Man are good ones for pre-schools, and I think we could great a "little ones" category to group them.

Other stories, however, are more puzzling for us. For instance, we've been surprised to read in feedback and emails that Alice in Wonderland attracts quite small children - even though the language is quite difficult sometimes. We are less surprised that adults like it, as it has so much interesting texture.

Some of the classic fairy tales are also quite hard to put into age categories. The Snow Queen is so beautiful that it seems to appeal to all ages. Even Snow White has dark undertones which can appeal to older as well as younger people.

I think that's why the classic fairy tales are so good. They do in fact appeal to all ages.

Still, Hina, thanks for the great suggestion and we will add some guidance for age, especially directing parents to stories for smaller children.