Oh Bother! It’s Darby!

DarbyNewsweek called Storynory recently about our Save Christopher Robin Campagin. They quoted Bertie's friend Hugh and you can read the article here (The reference to "his blog" in the article really means Storynory).

In the TV series of "My Friends Tigger and Pooh", Christopher Robin will be largely replaced by a Tomboy called Darby. When we first heard about this, we began a petition which has been signed by loads of visitors to our site. The series begins on May 12th and is still attracting anger from lovers of traditional children's literature.

Disney's Pooh is largely a travesty anyway, but the Darby Debacle perfectly sums up the carelessness with which the Corporation sacrifices a timeless classic on the the alter of the latest trend. If you feels the way we do, please leave a comment on the petition mentioned above.

And yes, we did get excited thinking Newsweek was going mention Storynory a little more explicitly, but lots of Christopher Robin's friends seems to have found us anyway via the obscure reference in the article. Our thanks to those blogggers who pointed it out to us.